Wednesday 16 May 2012

Early May

I  managed to ruin a heap of tomato plants this week by leaving them in my small greenhouse shelving this week.  I've plenty of spares at the moment.
 I 'm thinking that about 15 tomato plants will be my maximum if I can get them there.  However due to these unusually cold nights I'm having in an issue trying to remember to close and open the little green house.  meaning my poor plants are getting burnt in the day n overly cold at night. It's still a few weeks until I'll want to plant the tomatoes out.  I found this blog last week that has some good info for growing tommies

-  'One of the best ways to prevent blossom rot is start before you plant your tomatoes plants.  Check the PH of your soil, you want a PH  of 6.5 for optimal growth.  After planting maintain a regular water schedule to prevent soil dry out.  Keep the soil moist but not wet.' My second load of broad beans have gone in this week.  note to self!

Need to put some slug pellets around it.

My weekend job is to put a fence in the garden, so I won't have too much time for gardening.

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