Friday 27 April 2012

Gardening to do list . Cornwall -End of April

Gardening list April 28th

Things to do this weekend.

* plant 2nd crop of broadbeans

* i was thinking of Planting chiles in bigger tub but found this text

good idea to avoid potting on to early as there are many theories that potting on too early into too big a pot focuses the plants growth on growing the roots rather than stems, leaves, flowers and ultimately chillies. A general rule of thumb is to only do this when roots are appearing through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pots.

On this blog Growing Chilli Peppers Guide

* plant pumpkins in window sill small pots

* plant beans, apparently they should be in already

A note for next year.  tomato seeds will not take in my plastic green house at th beginning of April but now here at the end their fine.

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