Thursday 22 October 2009

My new blog

Welcome to my new blog, dedicated to everything that's not work related. I have been running a 'work log' blog for a couple of years now and bouyed by some recent small successes with the ads provide by google I have now decided to add to my blog collection.
My Work Blog.
My Website - Little Ripples .com

The ethos of my work blog was to write about things that I'd found difficult to find answers on in google. However the ethos of this new blog is slightly different.

1. to write things of interest.
2. to provide useful information that is difficult to find.
3. to make money ( through the google ads that appear on the side.)

One promotion tool I've never really used for my work blog is twitter. Mostly because many of my work blogs are just far to geeky and boring unless your doing the exact thing that the blog is based. However with my 'Everything but work' blog I do intend to use Twitter to get people in to read it.
Here are my thoughts on Twitter. I am only aiming to add people who I think are of interest to myself or maybe interested in what I do. At the moment my 'tweets' are primarily about surfing with the occasional music based one. I am now planning to expand that to my other hobbies and outside of work activities such as fixing the van, gardening, cooking, travelling, reading, seeing bands and others.
I visit Twitter on a daily basis and have a look to see what links are of interest and worth following. Clicking on google links is a false economy, if you see something interesting then click on it and bookmark it. And where possible make your purchases through the internet. After all that's the bottom line, if people are making money on the net then they'll invest in advertising on it.

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